Sales and Marketing 2

Course : Sales and Marketing
Course material language : English & Papiamento
Instruction language : English & Papiamento
Duration of Course : 10 weeks
Hours  : 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM
Teacher : S. Robert

Registration fee : Awg 50,-
Cost : Awg 250,-


Content outline Topics – Course Sales & Marketing:

  • Action plan
  • Metrics and success
  • Management
  • Tactics and action
  • Micro/Macro/Meso
  • Digital Marketing Strategies
  • Entrepreneur
  • Different Guest speakers
  • Marketing Strategies Responsibility
  • SWOT Intern / Extern
  • AIDA Model
  • Advertising
  • Financial Analysis / Budget
  • Destep Model
  • Planning
  • Presentation Skills
  • Marketing plan final & exam

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